Imagine it is February 19th in Nevada. The DNC is hosting its next debate, and, because of a recent rule change, Republican Michael Bloomberg has bought his way onto the stage. Along with establishment frontrunners Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Pete Buttigieg, the other candidates who are running for the money side are also there. There is a small audience of well-behaved cronies who have been told how to behave.
Meanwhile, also in Nevada, an all-day event is taking place with artists who are lining up to support the progressive wing of the party. The headlining event taking place at the same time as the debates, but on a competing channel, includes Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, Andrew Yang, and Mike Gravel discussing the various ways they envision the future.
At the same time that Buttigieg is throwing one-liners that have Biden visibly upset and Elizabeth Warren doing her cheerleading moves to calm everyone down, the all-stars of the candidates will be flipping a big middle finger at the establishment by putting on a clinic of what the Democratic party will be like when progressives rule the roost. It would be so eye opening that even the densest of the 'vote blue no matter who crew' will understand the difference between what is and what soon will be.
Obviously, Michael Bloomberg will be exposed at both events as a billionaire media mogul who most recently was the Republican mayor of New York City. If Joe Biden can't remember that Bloomberg was also the architect of "stop and frisk," and defended it even after it was declared unconstitutional, certainly Mayor Pete will. That would also be discussed at the much more crowded event hosted by the progressive wing, but, of course, everyone there won't be interested enough in Bloomberg to care that he supports racist policies like that. He will never get their votes.
Instead, Bernie can talk about the funding of Medicare for All. They can listen to Tulsi discuss the importance of taking on the military industrial complex and the billionaires who run it. They can listen to Andrew Yang's ideas on economic development. They can listen to Mike Gravel discuss restoring our natural resources. After all, if Bernie were to get elected president, that group would likely include his vice president and two of his cabinet members.
Heck, there would be no reason to not discuss that possibility! The ratings would soar if disclosures like that were made during these events!
It is obvious that Tom Perez and the DNC are more interested in Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, and Andrew Yang not getting the nomination, than they are in making sure Donald Trump is defeated. They will be helpless if those three candidates get sufficient support to group their delegates behind one candidate. The DNC wouldn't dare defy the crowds that will be showing up at the convention, and outside the convention, especially since about 75% of the support they are expecting prefers the progressive platform and will likely defect.
With the DNC changing the rules for the debates, and the ratings for the debates dropping, these competing shows that can include and exclude anyone they want at will, can offer campaign appearances for progressive Congressional candidates who are running against establishment incumbents and Republicans alike. It would certainly boost the campaigns of Jaime Harrison in South Carolina, Amy McGrath in Kentucky, and Wilmot Harrison in Montana, all of whom are running against Republican incumbents.
The DNC's desperation is obvious. The progressive wing can start tearing it apart by exposing its corruption. That will draw the voters to their candidates. They can have the wooden stake through the heart of the DNC, and the zombies who run it heading over to the Republican party where they will likely starve. This all can be done before the convention.
By allowing Bloomberg to buy his way in, people who supported Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, and other candidates who have had to drop out for not meeting standards will clearly see that it was never about being fair. It was always about retaining power and control. They will also see that the DNC ultimately supports white supremacy by letting Mayor Stop-and-Frisk run, which is something that even surprises me.
The best thing is that the DCCC can likely be sued if they support any candidate who is running against a progressive incumbent. I don't think they can be obligated to support the campaigns of people who do not pay their dues, but, if their stated mission is to get Democratic incumbents re-elected, they may pierce their corporate veil if they support candidates against progressive incumbents just because they didn't pay their dues. At the very least, it would cause the damages necessary for those incumbents to have standing, and, ironically, they would also have the argument that won Citizen's United in a case that could overturn Citizen's United.
While these four chill people can be wowing the public at the same time as three of them are running as Democrats in the primaries, they will actually be destroying the establishment wing of the party. That would be the best way to exploit the desperation the DNC is showing by allowing a Republican mayor to buy his way into a race they have driven Democratic senators out of.
Let them do their shitshow debate with their little bitches who don't walk like they talk, and the progressive wing can put on some performances for the people that lets them see the future of the party! With the addition of a Republican to the debate stage, the future has never looked more like it's happening for the progressive wing this year!