Monday, January 2, 2023

Why I Care and You Should, Too

Despite that I am an old man, I have vested interests in the future of this country, not to mention the world and the planet. Those vested interests are my children and grandchildren, and perhaps eventually their children, too. 

I wrote about my frustration discussing conclusions that people my age seem to make in a post titled If You Are Over Forty, We Are Likely Political Enemies. It is my opinion as a progressive voter that people who disregard the existential concerns of young people do not warrant consideration for their selfish concerns.

Who I am is Tom Koecke. What I am as a progressive voter is someone who believes first and foremost that the biggest problem in politics is money. It is my opinion that lobbying should be illegal, and that those who bribe elected officials should go to prison along with elected officials who take bribes. 

I wrote about money in politics in a post titled The Big Question for Democrats: Who Do You Love? It is less important to me that progressive politicians agree on everything than it is to know that their disagreements are not because of the special interests of big-money donors that conflict with the best interests of their constituencies. 

I have written two e-books arguing why I believe progressive voters should support the electoral college and reparations for Black people. Succinctly stated, the electoral college should be maintained because it serves the purpose of creating a majority from a group of people receiving votes, none of whom may actually get a majority of votes. Black people should be given reparations because the government allowed laws and practices to exist that deprived them of the generational wealth they were denied as it was systemically and systematically stolen from their ancestors.

I believe that the progressive revolution must include taking over the identity of the Democratic party. It is happening slowly but surely. The reason I believe it is important to take over the identity of the party is gravity. I explain what I mean in a post titled Bernie, Gravity, and the Democratic Party. I explained my opinion differently in a post titled Population Math, Gravity, and the Political Revolution

I was influenced by the music that was popular when I was growing up. I still am. Maybe I never lost my youthful enthusiasm or maybe I never grew up, but I still prefer to look at things from a young person's point of view. I never wanted to be the old person spitting on the dreams of young people who are trying to change their worlds as David Bowie warned us to not tell them to grow up out of in his song Changes.

I wrote about being inspired by caring neighbors in a post titled Be the Neighbor You Wish You Had. It is on another blog of mine called Conceptual Thoughts. It is on that blog that I wrote posts titled "I Disagree" is not an OpinionSay What You Mean, and No Need to Interpret: I Meant What I Said that I apply when I write on this blog. 

Whether you agree with me or not, these are my opinions as a progressive voter. People say that I am biased. To those people I say, of course I am. The title of the blog tells you what my bias is. However, if anyone thinks I have not criticized both parties for a long time, here is an old post I wrote titled Party Doesn't Matter in Fight Against Homeless. It is on a blog called Satirically Speaking, which proves that I am also a smart ass, as if I've kept that a secret.