Thursday, January 19, 2023

Joe Biden: the Right is Wrong to Criticize Him, and the Left is Wrong for Defending Him

If you read posts on my blog regarding Joe Biden, you will find that I am not a fan of his. Even though he was able to beat Trump in 2020, his nomination over the most popular candidate, Bernie Sanders, may have cost progressive candidates in down-ticket races the votes they needed to win their races. 

Due to the pandemic, both Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard dropped out and endorsed Biden with primaries still to go and time left before the convention. Bernie then became quite presidential as he led a campaign to inform the public about what was known about the pandemic. Tulsi still spread her message of love and unity when she spoke, but she also spoke of the need to vote for Biden in order to defeat Trump. 

Though I was critical of the nomination process that gave us old Joe Biden and his boxcar full of timeless baggage, I was happy that he beat Trump. However, my appreciation for getting rid of Trump does not mean that Biden gets a pass on his past and present indiscretions. Therein lies the problem: the right is wrong to criticize Biden because everything they accuse him of doing wrong, Trump has done exponentially worse, and the left is wrong for defending Joe Biden because doing the same thing on a lesser scale is still doing the same thing.

The right cannot seriously think Hunter Biden possibly profiting with some influence from his dad is worse than Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner getting billions of dollars from foreign countries while, and since, working for her dad. Not only is it hypocritical, but the argument that Hunter Biden is the one who needs to be investigated of these children is so baseless that "thoughtless" and "mindless" are too kind of words to use when describing people who make the argument. Likewise, arguing that a few documents returned upon discovery is the same as hundreds of documents that were seized, not returned, is also ridiculous.

On the other hand, people on the left can logically argue that Hunter and Joe Biden's alleged improprieties are not comparable to the apparent, if not obvious, improprieties of Trump and his clan of grifters. However, they cannot use that same distinction if they consider the suspicious retirement of Justice Kennedy and his son's relationship with Trump. Both Biden's and Kennedy's sons were private citizens, but both their fathers have, or had, tremendous influence that may have been used by the sons to gain their positions of influence. 

I think there is more reason to investigate Justice Kennedy's son's relationship with Trump as his one-time banker and his father's sudden retirement that landed Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, than there is to overlook Hunter Biden's alleged activities as a highly paid director on the board of some Ukranian and Chinese energy companies if there was noteworthy impropriety. If something can be destroyed by the truth, then it should be destroyed.

As for the top-secret documents, defending Biden without considering the timeline of significant events also seems thoughtless. Biden's team discovered some classified documents among some other papers in an office that he used after serving as Obama's vice-president. The documents were immediately returned to the national archives, and the DOJ was promptly notified of the discovery. That happened in November. Then some things happened a couple of months later and in quick succession. 

First, the press learned and reported about them discovering the documents. Next, Biden's team searched his home and found a classified document taken apart and in two different areas of his home. Then, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that he was appointing a special counsel to take over the investigation since it is worse than it first appeared, and we all know about it now.  

It isn't the appointment of a special counsel that needs to be questioned for its political bias. It is why it took the public finding out about the political bias before pretending to do something to prevent the appearance of political bias that needs to be questioned. 

Garland should have asked Biden for consent to search premises where there are boxes that contain items from his days as vice-president, and to have appointed a special counsel upon the FBI finding the documents in his home. They could have examined the evidence to determine if there were any national security concerns or signs of criminal intention for retaining the documents. They would almost certainly would have determined there weren't criminal intentions, and Biden could have claimed the transparency he promised. Instead, he made it clear that it was better to improperly store top-secret documents near a Corvette than it is to store them near wrestling memorabilia after Garland made his embarrassing attempt at transparency. 

After a while, the excuses about Biden being better than Trump are not about right against wrong. They are about right against left with the biggest difference being how much more wrong one is than the other. Both sides contend the crap they fling smells better than the crap the other side flings back despite that they both get their crap from the same cesspool. 

The relationship between the president and the attorney general can be skewed by politics. The attorney general is part of the executive branch and serves at the will of the president. However, the attorney general represents the people of the United States and not the president. When the interests of the people and the president are at odds, the attorney general is supposed to represent the people. 

I don't know how people on the left can defend the actions of either Biden or Garland about the documents without acknowledging that both of them originally chose to hide the truth from the public. The situations were nowhere near the same in degree or in intention, but they were exactly the same in that both involved top-secret documents that were inappropriately retained and insecurely stored at residences and in offices. 

I don't know that it warrants Biden's resignation, but it should warrant his announcement that he will not be seeking reelection. However, Biden is a fighter. He's not literally a fighter, like when he said he wanted to take Trump out behind the gym and then explained that it was just locker room talk. However, the left defended Biden because it was unlike the worse kind of locker room talk attributed to Trump. 

It is time for the left to quit defending Biden over these documents. Information is not any more disclosed when the disclosure is the result of criminal intention than when it is the result of inadvertent brain farts. 

Maybe Biden is not as bad as Trump was, but the most honest thing he said during his run for presidency was the comment made to big-money donors that leaked from behind closed doors. He told them that there would be no fundamental changes if he were elected, and there hasn't been. It's all just been a matter of degrees of the same things.