Thursday, March 26, 2020

Cuomo and Biden Should Sell Used Yugos; Perez Still Needs to Resign

With the hope that they can keep Joe Biden from spewing some gaffe-ridden bile about how Trump is messing up, the DNC is hoping that the flavor d'jour, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, can put aside the fact that they have no plan for handling these situations and win the public over.

As I sit here at my table hearing Cuomo explain that they are trying to "avoid an apex" by looking for a flattening of the bell curve, I realized how stupid the average person must be for that to be considered smart. 

So that you understand if you don't, we are wanting to see a flattening of the curve which means the growth is slowing so that we can reach an apex, at which point the rate starts heading downward. It doesn't take a math degree to understand that our objective in the bell curve is to reach the "zero" on the far side of it. At this point, we are still heading up the front side of it hoping to see the curve flatten so that we reach an apex and start the downward trend.

That Cuomo makes that kind of huge mistake, and Biden is almost invisible except for some incoherent rant about how everything Trump is doing is wrong, selling the idea of 'voting blue no matter who' seems as preposterous as if they were trying to sell young people on the benefits of buying a used Yugo. 

If you don't understand the reference because of your age, the Yugo was a car imported from Yugoslavia that competed for both the lowest price on the market and the worst designed car since the Goliath. The intention was to take advantage of the "import" craze with a car that was for the person who wasn't quite ready to step up to the luxury of a Vega or a Pinto.

With Cuomo still on in the background explaining that twenty-one is larger than three, and why that makes the demand for ventilators even greater, his discussion turned to how he wanted 20,000 of the 8,900 ventilators that were available a week ago when Trump famously told governors to look for ventilators on their own. Not only is Trump not delivering to New York about three times the number of ventilators the federal government has in reserve, but he would also like every protective device that is made for the next couple of months.

I don't know whether it is the bit of Italiano to his New York accent, but, except for his noticeable presence compared to Biden's noticeable absence, they are actually making Trump look presidential in a relative sort of way.

Trump has been babbling about a lot of things that responsible people are needing to correct, but, when he said that the federal government ordering ventilators to fill the needs of the states would put the federal government in competition with the states as demand for a limited supply, he is correct. Furthermore, even though it is a violation of the Hatch Act for him to plug individual companies, his contention that helping Ford and GM convert plants into building ventilators is better use of federal powers, he is also correct. Finally, when he says that, at some point, this will pass and there will be a glut of ventilators, he is basing it on sound economic reasoning.

Cuomo is still going on about how the $5 billion the federal government is giving New York to spend fighting the COVID-19 virus doesn't offset the state's loss of revenue. He did not say if he meant he should control more of the money or if people should not individually get the money. This idiotic logic is brought to you by the same people who want to take away Wyoming and Alaska's vast electoral power by eliminating the Electoral College. 

Complaining about Trump isn't going to rally the young people to support someone who they see as much of a pathological liar as is Trump. Young people believe about the Democratic establishment the same as they think about Trump. It was on display at the debate between Biden and Sanders. Sanders called Biden out on his record, and Biden stood tall and lied. Then he lied again, and again.

Joe Biden's pathological lying was on display for America to see, and still the rank-and-file that is over 50 supports Biden over Sanders. They would like to have Cuomo because he has more of that Marlon Brando image, but they don't understand that most young people don't care about Marlon Brando. 

This is existential for young people, and, as Trump again despicably but correctly noted that people die, the presumptive nominee, like Trump, does not support universal healthcare, does not support the Green New Deal, and has told rich donors that nothing will fundamentally change. If that is your guy, you are the problem, not the young people who don't see the difference.

If you did not mean 'voting blue no matter who' with a nominating process that is fair, then certainly you cannot expect those of us who have demanded a fair nominating process to jump on board with another coronated nominee. Anyone who talks about Trump's family corruption has to address Hunter Biden's potential ethical conflict. This isn't a case of three is bigger than one. Zero is also on the table, and Bernie's supporters see through Biden's pathological lying and aren't buying it.

If this is the best that the DNC has to offer, the DNC, and not Bernie's supporters, are handing Trump four more years. Bernie Sanders is behaving presidential, and still people are now wishing for the DNC to push a tough-talking New Yorker who demands more than there is available to take on the other tough-talking New Yorker because they know that Biden is a blathering idiot at this stage of his life.

If the stated objective of the DNC is to unseat Trump, and the DNC is hoping that Biden is not forced to stand on a stage imitating Trump as a pathological liar, then I again say the same thing I have for the past couple of years: Tom Perez needs to resign, and the party needs to go after the votes of the young people. Anyone who doesn't like that idea is not in it to defeat Trump. They are in it to keep Sanders out. 

In doing so, they are the biggest hypocrites in the party. Anyone who does not speak up now demanding that Perez needs to resign should later shut up when they find out the strategy that didn't work in 2016 also won't work in 2020. It's amazing how some things just seem to recur as if they are predictable based on historic precedence. 

If that is the case, then the other people who should be believed are those who say they will not vote for Biden and instead will write-in Bernie Sanders. Again, if you are not speaking up against the biased nominating process and calling for Perez's resignation, you will have no credibility when talking about the need to defeat Trump later. Young people are begging old people to join them in making the changes they need to exist more than a couple of years, and the only thing that has changed is who is spitting upon young people.

The best way to beat Trump is for the party to get behind its most popular candidate to draw in the votes of young people that will be essential in defeating Trump in November. If the strategy is to try to lure the votes of disillusioned Republicans, and the gamble is to put up Biden to do that, it will not only be a losing bet, but it will also come at the expense of the votes of the same people who didn't vote for Hillary.

At this point, Trump may be as reliable as an aluminum block Vega and as safe as a Pinto in a rear-end accident. However, Biden and Cuomo are comparatively selling used Yugos. The bright one of the two wants more than exists, knows how to count and is learning to multiply, and wants Wyoming's money in addition to its voting prowess. The dim one is resorting to pathological lying to show that he can do that better than Trump, but he can't. If it gets into a mud-slinging showdown between two pathological liars, Trump will win because of his experience.

The shutting down of the world due to the virus has shown us who the truly essential people are in the world. They are the people that Bernie Sanders has supported for nearly six decades and has represented for more than four decades. Democratic socialism has become a highly popular theme for both Trump and the GOP, and the establishment wing of the Democratic party. While everyone is applauding Pelosi and Schumer for getting about 10% of the cost of the stimulus to people, Bernie was calling for everyone to get $2,000 per month and to pay for it by taxing really rich people.

These pragmatic solutions to the root causes of the problems facing the economy seem to elude all the other candidates, and even Governor Cuomo, who is now explaining that people who work in health care are concerned about the lack of personal protection equipment. I guess his point is that the problems of his state are worse than the problems other governors are facing. With his press conference over, I can now enjoy the silence the party prefers from Biden so his mental capacities cannot be examined.

There is still time for the rank-and-file members of the party to raise their voices and demand that Tom Perez resign, and for the DNC to be reset to try to get the party's most popular candidate elected the way elections are won. For those of you who may still be impressed that twenty-one is a bigger number than three, that is best done by getting a majority of the votes without losing thirty states.

Speak up now or prepare yourself to be told to shut up later. If you want a used Yugo, that is your business. It isn't enticing to those who want to step up from the Pinto and Vega. They are looking to the future, and not looking back on the past when a new car could be bought for $2,995 and might last for a year or two. Buying a used model is even a worse investment for those of you who might fondly remember the Yugo when it was merely a crappy new car.

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Here is a video that shows Biden is a pathological liar when he denies what Bernie says he has supported: