This was written on April 27, 2023. It is as significant a problem today as it was seven months ago.
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It was a little more than three years ago that the Democratic party was desperately trying to undermine its two most popular candidates so that it could put up an establishment dweeb who would remain loyal to the party's big-money donors. To the party's chagrin, Bernie Sanders was still packing arenas and stadiums wherever he appeared, and Tulsi Gabbard tripled her support by stating the truth about some of the other candidates on the debate stage. After Bernie questioned Pete Buttigieg's claim of victory in the Iowa primary, the party knew that he was doing his own counting. The party did not have time to rig New Hampshire, which Bernie Sanders won. Joe Biden came in fifth with one-third the votes that Bernie got, but who somehow got two-thirds the number of delegates that Bernie got.
The party then denied Tulsi Gabbard a spot on the debate stage claiming that she failed to qualify. However, it allowed a former-Republican mayor of New York to buy his way onto the stage. While mayor of New York, Bloomberg (you may have heard of his news network) was infamous for his "stop and frisk" policy that courts struck down as unconstitutional. Clearly, the party was less concerned about qualifying for the debate, and more about finding some way to stop the growing progressive wing of the party.
It wasn't until the South Carolina primary that Joe Biden emerged as the favorite "lesser of two evils" compared to Trump. Biden became the presumptive nominee when the COVID-19 epidemic hit. Both Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders halted their candidacies and endorsed him so they could focus on the epidemic as a unified front. The "vote blue no matter who" crowd got their wish because they really mean no matter who except those who will mess with the money for speaking to rich people behind closed doors.
Biden promised his big-money donors that there would be "no fundamental changes," and he has now delivered on that promise. However, that promise is now blowing up in the faces of those who accepted and pushed for the "lesser of two evils" so that the party would not have to nominate one of its two most popular candidates.
To the "vote blue no matter who" people, one rape allegation was better than several, Sure, there were stories of women being creeped out by Biden's hugs and hair-sniffing, but only one woman came forward to say that Biden sexually violated her. Certainly, those were less evil than the several claims of rape and affairs covered up by hush money. Besides, Trump was on tape bragging about grabbing women by their genitals, and there was just the one woman claiming Biden had done that to her.
Then there are the kids. Trump had three kids and a son-in-law sucking off the teat of political opportunity, whereas Biden had only one kid who was accused of using his father's political prowess for illicit personal gain. Again, it was four-to-one, and having only one kid who is corrupt is lesser on the evil scale than having four.
While all that may be true, it doesn't do away with the fact that we now have an IRS employee seeking whistleblower protection in order to testify that senior officials in the Biden administration have told the IRS to not delve into Hunter Biden's tax returns for fraud. I have seen Attorney General Merrick Garland mentioned as one of the top officials who may have contacted the IRS. If that is true, Merrick Garland should resign, and Hunter Biden's tax filings should be closely scrutinized for fraud.
This wouldn't be the first time the AG has given Biden special treatment because of their relationship. Garland appointed a special counsel in February to handle the secret documents found in Biden's possession the previous November. There was good cause to appoint the special counsel under those circumstances, but waiting for the public to find out three months later before doing it was blatant favoritism. Had Garland handled it correctly, the special counsel appointed in November likely would have found that there was no criminal intent by Biden for having the documents, and that additional steps should be taken to prevent these documents remaining in private residences in the future. Instead, it reeks of people who finally turned on the bathroom fan when other people smelled the stench.
There is talk from Democrats that the documents in Biden's possession were not kept for the same reason as the documents that were in Trump's possession. It is such a weak argument compared to the political purpose intended by the cover up. Biden had been highly critical of Trump over retaining the documents from when he was president, and then it is discovered that he had documents from when he was vice president.
Instead of being transparent as he promised the voters, he kept his word to his big-money donors that there would be "no fundamental changes" if he got elected. Instead of being humble and allowing the torch to be passed on, he declared his candidacy for reelection in 2024.
The DNC is doing its part in promoting Biden despite his Achilles heel by eliminating any debates before the convention. Marianne Williamson and Robert Kennedy Jr. are the only Democrats besides Biden to declare their candidacies.
Neither Bernie Sanders nor Tulsi Gabbard have said if they will run again. It doesn't appear the Democratic party is a choice for Bernie, and Tulsi Gabbard has already resigned from the party. I don't think Bernie will run as an independent, but Gabbard may do so. If she does, I suspect she will have as much impact on the Republican candidate as she will on the Democratic candidate.
I also expect that there will be plenty of Biden supporters who criticize people like me for mentioning the topic rather than criticizing Biden and the DNC for creating the topic. They probably applauded when Trump's tax returns were made public, and they would have considered it a crime if Trump had called Bill Barr and told him to call the IRS and tell them to cool it on one of his kids. They are as objectively inconsistent based on subjective criteria as the other side.
I liken the political battles between the Republicans and Democrats as people on two sides of the same cesspool flinging crap at each other while claiming their side of the cesspool smells better.
Here is how I see it as a progressive voter. First, if Hunter Biden committed tax fraud, he should be held accountable to the same degree that a regular taxpayer would be held accountable for the same crime. Second, if Merrick Garland or any other high-level official contacted the IRS to discourage pursuing a potential crime, they should immediately resign. Third, if Joe Biden contacted Garland or any other high-level officials to have them make the call, he should, at the least, end his campaign for reelection in 2024.
When the IRS employee is given whistleblower status and hearings are held, they could easily extend into the 2024 campaign season with no time to regroup if it turns out that Biden has abused his influence to the point that the public loses what little confidence it has in him. He has been effective, but he has also made no fundamental changes in the ways that fundamental changes need to be made, which, in this case, is accountability for ethical and possibly criminal behavior.
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